Tuesday, December 2, 2014

LET the Peace of God Rule in Your Heart

Let the Peace of God Rule in Your Heart - The Cozy Nook

Do you desire more peace in your life?

Do you even have the faith that it is available to you?

It is! The peace of God waits for us. It is like the image given in the book of Revelation of Jesus standing at our heart’s door, waiting for us to open.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
I will come in to him and dine with him,
and he with me.
Rev. 3:20

God’s desire is for us to be at peace, to have peace, and to live with peace, and it is OUR CHOICE whether we have peace in our hearts.

The Bible says:

LET the peace of God rule in your hearts…
Col. 3:20

Take notice of that initial word – LET.

We are the ones who allow the peace of God to permeate our lives.

“LET” means to allow, give permission to, grant, approve…

We decide if our hearts are at peace or not. We are the ones who can make that choice for the holy peace of God to RULE in our hearts, not just reside, but RULE.

In the midst of life’s troubles, trials, and disappointments, may we choose to allow the peace of God to have authority over everything else in life, and may we live in peace!


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